- These color schemes are what’s known as "harmonious" color combinations, or colors that are in tune with each other, and look extremely presentable when used in tandem.
- Analogous: This scheme uses three colors, one that is in the center, and the two colors adjacent to it on the color wheel (for example: Red, Red-Orange, and Red-Violet).
Video Link
Photoshop Warm UP Quick and Easy Frames around your images.
- Open Photoshop from Monday
- Turn all of your layers off
- Select any color that is not Black or White
- Create a new layer - Name it Analogous Color
- Fill your color layer with your choice of a color - Then turn if off
- Type the word "Analogous". Make sure you have a fat font (San Serif) and are using the same color as your filled layer. (That is why we had to turn off the color layer).
- Use one of the selection tools and create a large selection that will cover 1/2 of the letters of your text.
- Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
- Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask" screen shot below
- Move the Hue Slider to either 30 degrees
- This will create an color adjusted clipping with a Mask of your selected area
- Switch back to your Text Layer
- Make a 2nd selection that will cover the other 1/2 of your text.
- Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
- This time move the hue slider to -30 degrees
- Now turn on the filled layer Analogous color
- If it is hard to read your text Use a neutral color (Gray,white, or Black) and fill a selection.
- Group your layers and you are done!
- Save
- Use the Save for Web Option.. Adjust the size if needed
- Insert your image on your Daily Notes
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