Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday May 5 , 2011

Thursday May 5 , 2011
  • These color schemes are what’s known as "harmonious" color combinations, or colors that are in tune with each other, and look extremely presentable when used in tandem.

  • Analogous: This scheme uses three colors, one that is in the center, and the two colors adjacent to it on the color wheel (for example: Red, Red-Orange, and Red-Violet).

Video Link
Photoshop Warm UP Quick and Easy Frames around your images.
  1. Open Photoshop from Monday
  2. Turn all of your layers off
  3. Select any color that is not Black or White
  4. Create a new layer - Name it Analogous Color
  5. Fill your color layer with your choice of a color - Then turn if off
  6. Type the word "Analogous". Make sure you have a fat font (San Serif) and are using the same color as your filled layer. (That is why we had to turn off the color layer).
  7. Use one of the selection tools and create a large selection that will cover 1/2 of the letters of your text.
  8. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.

    1. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
    2. Move the Hue Slider to either 30  degrees
    3. This will create an color adjusted clipping with a Mask of your selected area
    4. Switch back to your Text Layer
    5. Make a 2nd selection that will cover the other 1/2 of your text.
    6. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
    7. This time move the hue slider to -30 degrees
    8. Now turn on the filled layer Analogous color
    9. If it is hard to read your text Use a neutral color (Gray,white, or Black) and fill a selection.
    10. Group your layers and you are done!
    11. Save
    12. Use the Save for Web Option.. Adjust the size if needed
    13. Insert your image on your Daily Notes

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