Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Creating a 30 second Short Video

Check Grades in Powerschool
  • If you turned in assignments that are not in Powerschool - Set up a Shared document
  • Should have your name in the title
  • List out the assignments you have submitted
  • Sample

Edit, Produce, and Publishing a video.
  •  All of group members must submit a copy of their plan into Moodle
  • All group members must upload and edit the video in Jay Cut.
  • Group List

Get into your groups
Using the Basic Video Shots Assignment Link
  1. Create a shared Google document with all of your group members
  2. The document may look simile to this linked document.
  3. Write a short description of your video
    1. Using the type of shots on the bottom of the Basic Video Shots Assignment.
      1. Define - Where and what you will be shooting.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20 - Last Friday in May

No Quiz today!

Quick review over what should be completed on your portfolio and check the Grading Rubric.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Editing the image size for web pictures

Check your Photoshop Assignments! Must of you have them completed you need to submit!  If you have not submitted all of them by tonight you will see your grade drop.

example regrade.
  1. Make sure you name 1st and last is in the title.
  2. Tell me exactly what I am regradeing. IF possible link to it from the document
  3. Make sure you share it with me and include your name in the message.
  4. I will not regrade anything without a name on it.

This is a review:
If you have a single image (picture) that you have taken with a digital camera or have scanned int the computer. You will need to resize so it will fit on your web page.
Otherwise you page will begin to do some rather strange things.

  1. Open the image
  2. Find the Image menu
  3. Pull down to image size
  4. Check the width and height.. As a general rule of thumb for a web page you are going to want the image to be less than 600 pixels wide.
  5. If you are using Photoshop do a save for web and select the appropriate image format.
  6. or  Check your scale. View the image at 100%. Then you will know exactly how big or small your graphic is.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Create a Prezi of your Completed Photoshops

Go to http://prezi.com/
What is a Prezi?
  1. Sign up for a free account.
  2. Use your home or personal email account if you have one otherwise use your school number @westernschools.org (#####@westernschools.org)
After you have signed up for a free account
  1. Watch the introduction video to see what a prezi can does
  2. Build a Prezi from at least 5 of your completed Photoshop Tutorials
    • Alaska Project
    • Gel Text
    • 3-D Ball Design
    • Explosion Filters
    • Daily Notes Week 12 color
    • Simple Flyer
    • Frosted Text
    • Color Overlays
And your Party Invitation

Embed your completed Prezi into your Portfolio.
The tutorials show that you are able to read simple and complex instructions

Monday, May 16, 2011

  1. Create a link off the Computer Tech Website - The site you also have your introduction written on.
  2. Link your Portfolio to the page

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Google Sites

Getting your Google Sites Set Up for an Electronic Portfolio.
By the end of the hour you should have the beginning of your Site
  • Get Logged into your Google Account
  • Locate a paper you have written for one of your English classes. If you cant find one then Use one of the Daily Notes documents we created at the beginning of the year.
  • Log inot your Animoto Account

Thursday - jaycut an online video editor

Jaycut.com is a another Web 2.0 tool that allows you to easily upload and create video. Currently jaycut is 100% free.

Your 1st Jaycut Video is to get you familiar with the controls and how it works.
  1. Go to jaycut.com
  2. Sign up for a free account. If you do not have a home email address use your ##@westernschools.org
  3. Record your id and password on your daily notes
  4. Create an experimental video slide show. You may use any school appropriate pictures. Later we will use jaycut to edit and create a short video.
On your daily notes today:
Record your id and password for jaycut
Copy and paste the link to your 1st experimental video.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11

Getting ready to start your E-portfolio in Google Sites

Creating a Web 2.0 based photo slide show.
  1. Go to Animoto and sign up for an account.
    1. If you do not have an email account use your student #@westernschools.org
    2. Record you account information on your daily notes just in case you forget
  2. Create a short video with music inside of Animoto
  3. When finished place the link on your daily notes

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Mike on the Moon
Layer Mask and Quick Mask Mode:
 Layer Mask - Cover portions of your layers

Layer Mask - Allow you to paint a selections

  1. Open the image we cropped from yesterday.
  2. Enter Quick Mask Mode (Q) or click the Quick Mask Mode Icon from the tool bar
  3. Set your foreground color and background colors to black and white
  4. Select a regular paintbrush
  5. Paint over the are of the picture you do not want. It should be a transparent red color.
  6. Return to your normal mode (Q) or click the exist Quick Mask Mode icon.
  7. You should have a selection around the image you would like to keep.
  8. Copy your selection (Edit Copy)
  9. Go here and copy the image. On the Moon
  10. Paste your copy onto the Moon
  11. Position the pictures some where on the moon so it looks almost natural.
  12. Add a Layer Mask to your new layer
  13. Make sure you have black and white for your foreground and background colors.
  14. Cover up your image by painting on the mask. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday - Resizing an Image

This week a couple of quick reviews of Photoshopwe will begin the process of constructing your High School Portfolio. This is a work in progress Portfolio by no means is it your High School exit Portfolio.

Resizing Images from your Camea to fit on a Web page or Word Document

  1. Right Click on the Image below and copy
    1. Link to image if it does not show up below
  2. Open Photoshop
  3. Start a new Photoshop document
  4. Name it resized image
  5. It should be already set to the size of the image you have copied.
  6. Paste the image onto your document (Edit Paste)
  7. Do a Save for Web (File->Save For Web)
  8. Notice how big the files is
  9. Resize the width to 200 pixels

Friday, May 6, 2011

  1. What tool allows you to trim your graphic size down?
  2. What file format should we save our color harmonies in?

Photoshop Warm UP
Cropping and Save for Web
  1. Open the Daily Photoshop from this week.
  2. Show only the Complementary Colors Group
  3. Use the crop tool to trim away any unwanted areas
  4. Use the save for Web Option and Save as a gif or png
  5. Name ComplementaryColors
  6. Use the layer History and click on the Open
  7. Do the same procedure for Monochromatic, Triads, and Analogous Colors if you have not placed the images on your daily notes document

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday May 5 , 2011

Thursday May 5 , 2011
  • These color schemes are what’s known as "harmonious" color combinations, or colors that are in tune with each other, and look extremely presentable when used in tandem.

  • Analogous: This scheme uses three colors, one that is in the center, and the two colors adjacent to it on the color wheel (for example: Red, Red-Orange, and Red-Violet).

Video Link
Photoshop Warm UP Quick and Easy Frames around your images.
  1. Open Photoshop from Monday
  2. Turn all of your layers off
  3. Select any color that is not Black or White
  4. Create a new layer - Name it Analogous Color
  5. Fill your color layer with your choice of a color - Then turn if off
  6. Type the word "Analogous". Make sure you have a fat font (San Serif) and are using the same color as your filled layer. (That is why we had to turn off the color layer).
  7. Use one of the selection tools and create a large selection that will cover 1/2 of the letters of your text.
  8. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.

    1. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
    2. Move the Hue Slider to either 30  degrees
    3. This will create an color adjusted clipping with a Mask of your selected area
    4. Switch back to your Text Layer
    5. Make a 2nd selection that will cover the other 1/2 of your text.
    6. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
    7. This time move the hue slider to -30 degrees
    8. Now turn on the filled layer Analogous color
    9. If it is hard to read your text Use a neutral color (Gray,white, or Black) and fill a selection.
    10. Group your layers and you are done!
    11. Save
    12. Use the Save for Web Option.. Adjust the size if needed
    13. Insert your image on your Daily Notes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wednesday May 4, 2011

Layer Mask:
What does a Layer Mask allow you to do?
When working with a layer mask what 2 colors are you using?

Creating a Triad  Color Scheme
  • A triad is a group of three colors that are separated on the color wheel by 120 degrees in either direction.

Video Link
  1. Open Photoshop from Monday
  2. Turn all of your layers off
  3. Set your colors to the default colors
  4. Type the word "Triads". Make sure you have a fat font (San Serif)
  5. Create a new layer
  6. Create a selection with the square or circle
  7. Fill your selection with a color of your choice.
  8. Create a copy your filled square or circle layer
  9. Deselect (Ctrl+D)
  10. Move your 2 circle so they cover up your text.
  11. Create a selection of your text (Ctrl+Mouse Click on the layer thumbnail)
  12. Make one of your circle layers active
  13. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
  14. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
  15. Move the Hue Slider to either 120 or -120 degrees
  16. Repeat the process for the second circle
  17. Create a layer group called Triads and move all the layers we created today inside of that group.
  18. Save
  19. File Save for Web and insert on your daily notes

Tuesday May 3, 2011

  1. If you would like to create a selection of just the image on a layer. For example selecting just the text. What keyboard short cut should you use?
  2. What does it mean to rasterize a layer?
  3. What is a monochromatic color?

Video Link

  1. Open Photoshop from Yesterday
  2. Create a Layer Group called Complementary Colors
  3. Move all your Complementary colors inside of this group
  4. Select a color that is in the middleish area of the color picker.
  5. With the text tool type  "Monochromatic"
  1. Create a new layer
  2. Create a selection with the square or circle
  3. Fill your selection with the the same color you used for your text.
  4. Create a copy your filled square or circle layer
  5. Deselect (Ctrl+D)
  6. New Concept Layer Adjustments
  7. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
  8. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
  9. Move the Saturation slider to the right or left and you have a perfect monochromatic colorfor you color.....
  10. A color opposite on the color wheel.
Save As Color Wheel

Monday, May 2, 2011

  1. Can A photohop image may be place or uploaded to a web page or a Word Document?
Photoshop Warm Up:

  1. Open Photoshop and create a new document. Make the document size larger then what you will need.  600 pixels by 600 pixels. You can crop it down at the end.
  2. Select the Type Tool.
  3. Select any color you would like and Type "Complementary Colors"
  4. Create a new layer
  5. Create a selection with the square or circle
  6. Fill your selection with the the same color you used for your text.
  7. Create a copy your filled square or circle layer
  8. Deselect (Ctrl+D)
  9. New Concept Layer Adjustments
  10. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
  11. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
  12. Move the Hue slider all the way to the right or left and you have a perfect complement for you color.....
  13. A color opposite on the color wheel.
Save As Color Wheel

Use the Save For Web Option and Save As Complementary Color
Add to your Daily Notes Under Monday