Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wednesday May 4, 2011

Layer Mask:
What does a Layer Mask allow you to do?
When working with a layer mask what 2 colors are you using?

Creating a Triad  Color Scheme
  • A triad is a group of three colors that are separated on the color wheel by 120 degrees in either direction.

Video Link
  1. Open Photoshop from Monday
  2. Turn all of your layers off
  3. Set your colors to the default colors
  4. Type the word "Triads". Make sure you have a fat font (San Serif)
  5. Create a new layer
  6. Create a selection with the square or circle
  7. Fill your selection with a color of your choice.
  8. Create a copy your filled square or circle layer
  9. Deselect (Ctrl+D)
  10. Move your 2 circle so they cover up your text.
  11. Create a selection of your text (Ctrl+Mouse Click on the layer thumbnail)
  12. Make one of your circle layers active
  13. Go to the layer menu and select Layer adjustment -> Hue Saturation.
  14. Make sure you have "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask"  screen shot below
  15. Move the Hue Slider to either 120 or -120 degrees
  16. Repeat the process for the second circle
  17. Create a layer group called Triads and move all the layers we created today inside of that group.
  18. Save
  19. File Save for Web and insert on your daily notes

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