Thursday, May 19, 2011

Editing the image size for web pictures

Check your Photoshop Assignments! Must of you have them completed you need to submit!  If you have not submitted all of them by tonight you will see your grade drop.

example regrade.
  1. Make sure you name 1st and last is in the title.
  2. Tell me exactly what I am regradeing. IF possible link to it from the document
  3. Make sure you share it with me and include your name in the message.
  4. I will not regrade anything without a name on it.

This is a review:
If you have a single image (picture) that you have taken with a digital camera or have scanned int the computer. You will need to resize so it will fit on your web page.
Otherwise you page will begin to do some rather strange things.

  1. Open the image
  2. Find the Image menu
  3. Pull down to image size
  4. Check the width and height.. As a general rule of thumb for a web page you are going to want the image to be less than 600 pixels wide.
  5. If you are using Photoshop do a save for web and select the appropriate image format.
  6. or  Check your scale. View the image at 100%. Then you will know exactly how big or small your graphic is.

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