Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday - Week 5 - Also Testing Week

Testing week schedule- Make sure to Thank a Junior for giving you the day off on Tuesday! Wednesday and Thursdays are regular school days..

Word Projects:
  • Computer Shopping - Using a Google Docs account
    • Google Doc School Account Access
    • Same Id and Password you use for School Computers
  • Time Line

Make sure to start a new document for this week

  • Create a Table that will hold the days of the week
  • Using an Autoshape tool create a pointer that will contain events that are planned for this week
    • No school for 9,10, and 11th Grade
    • Tuesday ACT Test

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday already! - Feels like Tuesday

Thursday, February 24, 2011
  • Working with Tables and paragraphs
  • Word Task 11
  • Dont forget about your Timeline Project
    • Samples are posted in Moodle
    • Guidelines are also posted
    • Due Next Friday (3-4)

Using tables on a Word document
  • Using the AutoSum and AutoFormat Function

Create the table below that will allow us to enter the number of people that have dressed up for Clash day today.
Video Link

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23 - Short Week

Wednesday, February 23 
Nice snow storm to follow up Presidents Day. I hope you enjoyed your unplanned mid-winter vacation.
Please Check Grades in both PowerSchool and Moodle
  •  0s in PowerSchool can be replaced
  •  1s in PowerSchool may also be replaced but for some reason you have done the assignment incorrectly.
  • 10s, 5s and 25s are full credit
Using tables on a Word document
  • Tables allow you to present short data list inside of a Word document.
  • Tables behave very similar to graphics that have been inline with text
  • Tables may be used in place of tabs and allow you to do some basic equations and functions
On your Daily Notes for today Create a table that will show the dress up schedule for a homecoming week.
Video Link

Friday, February 18, 2011

  • Quiz Today
  • No new assignment
  • Timeline Project
Under what menu do find the option to turn off the drawing canvas?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Show/Hide Character

  • Quiz Friday over Daily Notes
  • Check your Assignments in Moodle
  • Check your Grades in PowerSchool

Locate and click once on the Show/Hide icon in your standard tool bar.
What are you seeing?

1. Define the Show/Hide feature in MS Word:

2. On my daily notes I use a feature called "Click and Type" regularly to move below my date. What does the  "Click and Type" feature do?

           by texting American Idol style

To: 37607
No Computer       201932
Yes                      201933
No                       201934

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Using the AutoShapes Feature in MS Word and Shutting off the Drawing Canvas

Grade are posted for your Introductions - Please check
Short Day today  - Reminder go to your 5th Hour Teachers Lunch.

What is a Wingding font?


  1. By default Word attempts to put a drawing canvas on your document when you use the drawing tools. We are going to turn it off!
  2. From the Tools Menu Select Options (Tools ->Options)
  3. Click on the General Tab
  4. Uncheck the option that automatically creates the drawing canvas.
  5. Make sure your Drawing Tools are Visible:  View -> Tool bars -> Drawing
  6. Select one of the Autoshapes
  7. Draw your shape
  8. Right Click and Add Text

Monday, February 14, 2011

Add an Envelope - Word Document

Tuesday, February, 2011 
Add an Envelope to your Daily Notes- Just in case you need to send them to me US Postal Mail. What the video below to see how.
Video Link

  1. Where would you find the option to see how your document appears before you actually print it? (Use this anytime you want to save paper. Works with Internet Explorer, PowerPoint, and more)
  2. What is the key combination that will create a page break?
  3. Press the equals key 3 times and then press enter.
    1.  If auto correct is on you should get a double line border.
Daily Notes Week 3 - February 14 - 19:
Start a new Daily Notes Document for this week

Monday, February 14, 2011  

Happy Valentine's Day - Explore the Histroy 
Copy and Paste the following unedited document onto your daily notes: Then turn on Track changes
Video Link
A theif hired a room in a tavern and staid a while in the hope of stealing something which should enable him to pay his bill.  When he had waited some days in vain, he saw the Innkeeper dressed in a new and handsome coat and sitting before his door.  The thief sat down beside him and talked with him.  As the conversation began to slow, the thief yawned terribly and at the same time howled like a wolf.   "why do you howl so fearfully?"  Said the Inn Keeper

  1. Turn on Track Changes
  2. Change the font to a Serif font
  3. Change the Paragraph settings to double space
  4. Run Spell Check and make suggested corrections
  5. Read the document and make edits.
  6. Turn off Track Changes

1. What is the difference between a Serif Font and a San Serif Font?
2. When should you use a Serif Font
3. When should you use a San Serif Font?
4. What does the "Track Changes" Feature allow you to do on a Word document? When could you use this?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

If.. If you have a cell phone plan that allows you to send pictures. Send one to this address

This is a flickr account I set up for myself. I am trying out a couple of ideas to help you get pictures from your phone so you may use them on school projects.

Quiz Today in Exam View
You may use your Daily Notes

  2. What does the Track Changes tool/option allow you do on Word document?

Working with Graphics on a Word Document

  • Introductions should have the correction
  • Last Weeks assignments have been opened up if you have not submitted please do so today
  • You all should be caught up from last week field trip
MS Word Task 4 - Setting up Paragraphs and moving graphics around on a page.

  1. What are the little dots called that lead your eyes across the open space left by tabs?
  2. Under what menu do you find the option to change the paragraph setting to a hanging indent.
  3. Place one of your animal pictures on your Daily Notes and change the layout setting so your text will jump out of the way.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tabs and Leaders!

  • Early Release Today - Find out from your 5th Hour teacher what lunch they have.
  • Make sure you have proof read your introduction! I did not grade any with basic punctuation errors and will assign a grade of a 1 if you do not follow basic capitalization rules (i) 

Turn off the your numbering and create a tab list with a leader between the hour and the time for the regular schedule posted below:
 video link

Set a left tab at 1 inch and a right tab at 4 inches
Turn on the leader for the 4 inch tab
Type the data. Make sure you press the tab key before each entry and thenter key at the end of the line.

IF the image below is not loading Click here

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daily Notes Tuesday

Working with and setting up Paragraph formats
Word Task 2 -

What button would you need to click on to make your Windows Explorer view look similar to the one below.

Where do you go to apply Borders and Shading to a Word document? 
Create a shading and border for the dates on your daily notes

Where would you go if you are required to create a hanging indent. The type of indent used when you are creating a Works Cited Document.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Week 2

Due: Tonight at 11:55 PM
  • Introduction
  • Organized H: Drive
  • Daily Notes from Last Week

Saving Images from the Web to the web
You will need to log into Power school and your Google account today.

Start a New Word Document with 1 inch margins all the way around and the following inside of the 1st page header: (File->Page Set Up)
  • Name
  • Hour
  • Class
  • Daily Notes: Computer 1 Basic MS Word 

1. True/False - You must have MS Open to open up a Word document?
2. Insert your Picture onto your Introduction and on your Daily Notes
    1. Create a folder inside of your Computer Folder called Pictures
    2. Log into your PowerSchool account
    3. Find your picture
    4. Save your picture inside of the folder you just created
    5. Log into your google website
    6. Insert your picture onto your introduction
    7. Insert your picture onto your daily Notes

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    10th Grade - Field Trip to Career Center Today
    -Go to 1st lunch then Report to your 4th Hour!

    Quiz Today in Exam View

    1. What is the name of the tool bar in Word that that contains short cuts to your common actions and contains the Format Painter.
    2.  If you are editing a Word document and all of the sudden all of when you type your text gets erased. How can you fix it?
    3. What does the red squiggly line tell you on a Word document?
    4. What is the name of the tool in MS Word that will allow you to copy just the formatting of text and apply it to another section of your document?
    5. Under what MS Word Menu would you find the option to insert the Date and /or time?

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    10th Grade - Field Trip to Career Center Tomorrow
     - You will need to get Friday's Notes from someone
    - Take quiz on Monday
    - Turn in Notes by Monday midnight
    • Log in to Moodle and locate your assignments in Moodle
      • Open the Daily Notes Document
    • Create and Use a Daily Notes document
    • Understand and follow classroom expectations and procedures
    • Organize your # drive
    • Begin your Portfolio Website. - Time to work on your Introduction -> Due Tomorrow

    Daily Notes:
    Use the same Daily Notes we started Tuesday and answer the following questions:
    1. When we set up our daily notes where did we go to set the header/footer to be different on the 1st page?
    2. Where should you save all of your school documents?
    3. What program can you use to create folders for each of your classes and/or manage your files?

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    SNOW Day!!
    Ground Hog Day Rules